John E. Fitzgerald Larceny Kentucky Straight Bourbon

Intro: from Heaven Hill website:

Larceny was hand selected by the Master Distillers to have a taste profile of a six-year-old Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey. Made with wheat as the secondary grain, instead of the traditional rye, Larceny is a smoother tasting Bourbon.



Well, there is something just wrong with drinking bourbon out of a hotel room plastic cup they leave for you to use for rinsing your mouth out in the bathroom...well, here goes.  Sorry Larceny, if this isn't your finest hour, I will update this review when I get back to the house.  



The wait...thats the cup.  Shiieeut...  It's a lot like Weller, because it is also a wheated bourbon, and it's 92 proof, so no fumes.  Again, it is a sweet smelling bourbon with a hint of the barrel.  

Well, it has a bit more heat than the Weller carries with it.  I mean 2 points in the proof doesn't seem like much but it's noticeable.  No burn but it is slightly hot.  The second sip brings out the nutty flavors for me.  Maybe its more of the grainy flavors vice nuts but its not as sweet as other wheated bourbons.  The finish is smooth, a little heat in the chest but the after taste is very good, semi-sweet.  Third sip, definitely grainy flavors, even more so now.  Not offensive but not my thing.  I have had Larceny before but don't remember it being like this...side note...when I had it before, it sat in my fridge for months when I would crack it open to pour into a Coke Zero, now I strictly drink bourbon neat, so what the hell did I know about what was good back then?  Fourth sip...still good, still grainy and sweet.  I like it, it has something that is new.

Is it worth the $?

$20 in Wichita is what I paid, the price varies up to $27, but this was the cheapest I've seen, so I bought one.  Is it worth it?  Tough question...for $20 I could get 2 Ancient Age 90's, and I would rather have the 2...Sorry Heaven Hill!  For you to have in your stable of bourbons, is it worth it?  YES!  Hands down, you should buy this if you want to try new bourbons and wonder if this is worth it, it IS!